Sunday, September 19, 2010

Long Time, No Update

Sorry its been so long since I have updated, not much has happened to update about. Except oh, yea I MET DUFF GOLDMAN!!!

So for people who do not know who Duff is, he owns a bakery in Baltimore, called Charm City Cakes. He now has a show on Food Network called Ace of Cakes. They make outrageous cakes, such as: A life size R2-D2 cake, life size motorcycle cake, just the most outrageous cakes you could think of. The first episode I saw was three years ago and he was making a cake for Jay Leno, after seeing that episode it made me want to go into culinary its pretty much thanks to Duff I am in my profession.

Anyway so about two weeks ago I found out that Duff was coming to a Schulers in downtown Grand Rapids for a book signing. So I went down and got my wrist band so I could meet my idol. I waited about two and half hours all together in line to meet him but it was the most AMAZING thing that has and probably will ever happen to me! He's just awesome, I wish the entire bakery was there but hey I can only ask for so much, lol.

Other than the book signing school is going well, I'm getting use to when to leave to park so its not so horrendous. Classes are going good, not really to much to say. Most of them are basic classes so they are quit boring. Anywhoo, I'll update again soon!
